
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Hebron Carnival!

Every weekend, my hubby and I try to go on a date. We love seeing our family as well. Hubby only gets full day a week to spend time with everyone who is important to him. So being able to see my sister-in law and brother-in law and my niece!!!! We also got to see my nieces boyfriend as well. They're the cutest!!!!
The Hebron Carnival is a staple here on the Eastern Shore! Their Oyster Sandwiches are delicious, they do however cost 9.50 this year! However every year they some how convince me to pay for a sandwich because its the best oyster sandwich on the Shore!!! Hubby and I got ice cream ($4). Last year the cones were as big as ice cream on the board walk. This year we got $1 McDonald's Ice Cream Cones!

Here we are faking a smile. We were not happy for our $1 cones that cost $4. 
 If you are down on the Eastern Shore it is definitely worth checking out! And of course we could not leave with out playing our favorite game.
I won a $1 but I only usually play $1! 
Over all we had a great time! I can not wait to go with my nephew! It is the people who were there made it a great experience. 

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