
Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Sometimes we forget how grateful we should actually be. We all go through hard times. We all struggle. I feel like one of the stages of struggle is ungratefulness. God pushes us in life (and you should always surround yourself with people who push you in the right direction). I have so much to be grateful for but like all sinners I am easily distracted. What I mean is that when we are going through rough times (like my husband being away or any other trouble that may plague you), we become so distracted with our own drama that we forget all of the things we do have.  Everyone has struggled with this and you are not alone. However part of moving through your troubles is figuring out that regardless of what we have lost or do not have, we need to be grateful for all the things we do have. It is so easy to get angry, especially with God.

(Via Google) 
A long time ago a wise woman once told me "Don't ask why me ask why not me! Remember you could be a starving baby in Africa and there would be nothing you could do about. BE THANKFUL"

God wants us to trust in him! And when things are great, it is easy to fall into the sin of forgetfulness. Whether it is you forgetting your humble roots, or forgetting to be appreciative of what you have, or getting so caught up in your own drama you forget that your love ones are still going on with out you even though you're stuck.

You can not get past your bs with GOD!

We need God in these times and if we seek him, it may not change our problems over night but through our FAITH we will all get through our struggles. Jesus says that we are to share our knowledge and our faith. But how does own do that with out any experience. Our trials make us stronger and through our own strength we can not only grow closer to God but our love ones as well. Be strong you will get through this God will be there for you whether you seek him or not.

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