
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Keeping It interesting!

With Hubby being gone 5 and ½ days out of the week and with him always being tired it is hard sometimes to even get in the mood. It ends up being we get into bed kiss and before we know it we are asleep. So because of his exhaustion, I try to keep him entertained! ;)  I have spoken to other women who feel the same way as I do, “IF I don’t feel sexy, he’s not getting any”.  Honestly though like most women we try to make our husbands happy (and in a full consenting way) we still do it and not enjoy it.
Oh and that's my cat Chewy! He was too lazy to move. 
That is why keep things interesting is so important! Listen ladies, most men do not care what sexy outfit you have on. They see the sexy outfit and think “YES! She is gonna get naked!!!” One thing I love to do to keep things interesting is to buy lingerie. I purchased this piece from The reason I like to buy lingerie is because of how it makes me feel. My husband says “it’s a floor decoration” , but  I digress. When I put this outfit on it made me feel sexy and that definitely is a mood booster. Another thing I really liked about this piece is that it was easily concealed under my sweatpants and t-shit. Half the fun is the surprise!!! It was a great piece that hubby says we will use again!

I do have some tips if you do decide to go this route.
  1. Remember the outfit is for you not him!
  2. Never put lingerie in dryer! (NEVER! Seriously the underwire is not designed in pieces like this for you to wear all day. You will break it and the unwire will poke you)
  3. Also sites like, offer all kinds of products. I Like a babydoll because I am self-conscious about my belly. You may want a long teddy because you feel more comfortable.  Buy what you look good in!
  4. It is okay to take his taste into consideration! With the piece I got, I got the type of underwear he likes. Its for you, but he should enjoy it too.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

We have moved!!!

Hey guys while I am working on redirecting the site, I just wanted to let you know that we have moved:

Check us out!

Friday, June 3, 2016

For my sensitive teeth peep!

So after my post yesterday (you can view here), one of my friends said that they could not eat lemons because of their sensitive teeth. Here are some other things you can do that are preventive medicine that work as well as the lemon water!

 So when I am getting sick I make this side dish. It is a big hit and its a big immune booster. Broccoli has more vitamin C than orange juice and this recipe is delish and keeps you well.

1 head of broccoli
3 cloves of garlic (at least I love garlic so the more the better but not everyone feels that way)
2 tablespoons of pepper.
half a stick of butter (a whole stick if you are like me and Mrs. Paula Dean).
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 table spoons of balsamic vinegar
1 tbs of rosemary
1 tbs basil
1 tbs thyme
 Cook your broccoli 3 quarters of the way melt butter and mix in vinegar garlic and oil and spices. Add it to the butter sauce and let it finish cooking.
This site will help everyone find alternatives.  It also contains info on broccoli so you know I am not just bsing you! If you can eat this at least once a day for three days it will do you a lot of good. More if you can stomach it.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

I will not be a snot face!

(via google)
I noticed yesterday that I was getting sick. Luckily my mother and sister taught me all kinds of home remedies growing up.  I will admit it is not always fun and sometimes it taste or feels gross while it is happening. Here some of the recipes I used last night to drain out my infection. This particular regimen is to prevent a cold/flu. These are consider all natural. However use at your own risk be careful. I will also be posting some sources with my recipes. This is more preventative medicine and works best at the first signs of sickness. It also makes them less gross and not as terrible.

Honey and Cinnamon:
Seriously just mix about two table spoons of honey and one of cinnamon. Three times a day at least. Once again it should be at the first sign of sickness. It is very soothing  on your throat. According to Medical News Today " Cinnamon can be used to help treat muscle spasms, vomiting, diarrhea. loss of appetite". I used it yesterday to prevent a cold. It's been hot, humid, and raining nonstop.  Honey is great because according to WebMD, honey has antibacterial properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and it is a cough suppressant. Another really awesome idea is to put it into a milky tea. I did that last night and this morning. And it felt amazing.

Lemon water
So I am going to be honest and say that lemon water is disgusting. You must prepare the water like tea (in other words make sure it is hot!) . So I usually drink an Earl Grey tea. It goes perfect with just lemon. It doesn't have to be Earl Grey however you want a tea that allows you to put in at least 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Drink it at let once in the morning and once in the evening. I know its gross after awhile but try to get three tablespoons into your tea if you can't something is better than nothing.  According to, "Lemons contain vitamins B6, C, A, and E. They also have iron, magnesium, and calcium, zinc, and protein." That isn't even all the things lemons can do. Actually it doesn't even scratch the surface.

Preventative Steam Pot
 Alright listen carefully, this is not a steam pot if you are already sick. It will not be strong enough to drain all of the infection out of your face. In a pot fill about 1/4 of the way with water, add four-six drops of Eucalyptus oil, 2 table spoons of lemon 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, take something spicy ( I use peppers you can use hot sauce) and do about 5 table spoons hot sauce or if you are using spices, if you are using fresh spicy peppers ( I used jalapenos yesterday) do about  1/4 cup. I also added a table spoon of fresh ginger. Add a little bit more water. Pot should not be more than halfway full. Bring it to a boil and let the snot (yes snot) drain from your nose. You will probably cough up mucus as well. It will take about an hour but you will feel better. Not during but afterwards. Remember to cover your head and inhale the steam slowly. Also come up for air! Apple cider vinegar helps with detox, clears sinuses, and helps with sore throat. (, peppers contain vitamin C and also help drain the sinuses (WebMD), Eucalyptus is a anti-inflammatory, decongestant,  and also is antibacterial. I also rub it on my temples throat and lungs and under my nose (

(Note: I will post my full sources asap)

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day!

(Via Facebook)

I would like to wish a Happy Memorial day to all my readers! I would also like to extend my prayers and condolences for all those brave people out there who now deal with an empty space at their table today. My heart goes out to all the parents, spouses, children, friends, and other love ones of fallen soldiers today. I can not express the gratitude I feel for the sacrifice their loved ones made or the sacrifice that they make every day. I admire all the brave men and women who continue to carry on with their life. So please pray for our fallen soldiers and their families. Especially for their families they are the ones who are still suffering and this holiday is just as much for them as it is for the love ones they lost.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Solar Powered Clothes Drying Apparatus!

So I  am always looking for ways to save money. I hung up our clothes line and I love the way it makes my clothes smell! But how much does this really save. I used a calculator to figure out what it would be for my dryers. Links will be posted at the end of this post. 

My dryer costs me about .33 cents a load. So every year at approximately 5 loads a week I pay approx. $86. So using the clothes line during the summer it ends up saving me $6.60 a month and a total of $26.40 for all four months I will able to use the clothes line. So its not a big savings. However my window unit costs me $15 a month. So its a discount on my electric bill more than it is a savings. Hanging your clothes out in the summer helps compensate for your AC usage. But it is not saving as much money as people think it is. For me it is less than 10%. 

1. You do not have to have posts like I do. You can tie between two trees get creative. 
2. Depending on where you are located (and remember perverts are everywhere) be careful and mindful on where you hang your unmentionables. 
3. Tension is everything!!! That way your clothes do weigh the line down.
4. I like to spray a little fabric softener on my clothes  after I hang them. 
5. Your electric company's website should have your energy rate, if it is not located on your bill. I have an energy rate of .09 cents.


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Hebron Carnival!

Every weekend, my hubby and I try to go on a date. We love seeing our family as well. Hubby only gets full day a week to spend time with everyone who is important to him. So being able to see my sister-in law and brother-in law and my niece!!!! We also got to see my nieces boyfriend as well. They're the cutest!!!!
The Hebron Carnival is a staple here on the Eastern Shore! Their Oyster Sandwiches are delicious, they do however cost 9.50 this year! However every year they some how convince me to pay for a sandwich because its the best oyster sandwich on the Shore!!! Hubby and I got ice cream ($4). Last year the cones were as big as ice cream on the board walk. This year we got $1 McDonald's Ice Cream Cones!

Here we are faking a smile. We were not happy for our $1 cones that cost $4. 
 If you are down on the Eastern Shore it is definitely worth checking out! And of course we could not leave with out playing our favorite game.
I won a $1 but I only usually play $1! 
Over all we had a great time! I can not wait to go with my nephew! It is the people who were there made it a great experience. 

Friday, May 27, 2016


So I love turning left overs into something else! The other day I made chicken burritos for my friends and I had a ton of left over chicken. Here is the recipe:
Left Over Nachos
1 bag of tortilla chips
1/ 2 jars of salsa verde and red salsa 
2 cups shredded cheese (I like the fiesta blend)
1 jar of white or yellow queso
1/2 cup jalapenos 
1 cup of diced tomatoes 
1 can of black beans ( I also add a can of red but you don't have too)
1 can of corn
1 green pepper (I also add a red and yellow put you don't have too) 
2 cups of leftover chicken (beef or turkey what ever you have left over)
1 white onion. 

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
line your pan with tinfoil and spray it (use a 13x9 pan)
take half of the bag of chips and lay them in pan
take 1/4 jar of both salsas (green and red)
1/4 cup jalapenos 
1/2 cup diced tomatoes 
1/2 can of beans
1/2 the onion 
1/2 of the pepper
1/2 can of corn  (remember to drain your cans)
 cover nachos 1/2 cup of shredded cheese and half of your queso. 
Then add the second layer and repeat the process.  You should have 1 cup of cheese left. Bake for 30 mins then cover nachos with the remaining cup of cheese and bake for 5 mins or until cheese is melted! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


Sometimes we forget how grateful we should actually be. We all go through hard times. We all struggle. I feel like one of the stages of struggle is ungratefulness. God pushes us in life (and you should always surround yourself with people who push you in the right direction). I have so much to be grateful for but like all sinners I am easily distracted. What I mean is that when we are going through rough times (like my husband being away or any other trouble that may plague you), we become so distracted with our own drama that we forget all of the things we do have.  Everyone has struggled with this and you are not alone. However part of moving through your troubles is figuring out that regardless of what we have lost or do not have, we need to be grateful for all the things we do have. It is so easy to get angry, especially with God.

(Via Google) 
A long time ago a wise woman once told me "Don't ask why me ask why not me! Remember you could be a starving baby in Africa and there would be nothing you could do about. BE THANKFUL"

God wants us to trust in him! And when things are great, it is easy to fall into the sin of forgetfulness. Whether it is you forgetting your humble roots, or forgetting to be appreciative of what you have, or getting so caught up in your own drama you forget that your love ones are still going on with out you even though you're stuck.

You can not get past your bs with GOD!

We need God in these times and if we seek him, it may not change our problems over night but through our FAITH we will all get through our struggles. Jesus says that we are to share our knowledge and our faith. But how does own do that with out any experience. Our trials make us stronger and through our own strength we can not only grow closer to God but our love ones as well. Be strong you will get through this God will be there for you whether you seek him or not.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Hey Y'all,
I am all about free stuff!!! I believe that my husband and I work very hard for our money and well this meme pretty much sums it up for me:
So here is the list of my top 5 favorite freebies sites:

I have been using these five sites religiously for about five years now. If anyone has any other legit freebie leads please comment and let me know!

Facebook Page!!!

Hey guys just wanted to let you know I have joined Facebook!!!
Check me out and give me a like at :

Monday, May 23, 2016

Verses for when Hubby is away

(via Pintrest)
With my hubby being gone 5 and 1/2 days out of the week it has been a trial for both of us. I know that God has blessed us with an amazing job opportunity, it is a struggle. I think that it has been hard on both my husband and I. God is the only thing that has kept us strong through this.  We have alwasy had each other to lean on and now we are apart and are forced to face these trials on our own. But we aren't completely alone God is the rock that is helping us keep ourselves together. My heart goes out to the women who have to do this full time.  So it has been a struggle here is some Bible versus that help me deal with this particular struggle.

1. For when my expectations of him are high and he is too tired to help me.

(Via Google)
(Romans 3:23-24)
See I spend all week planning on the things we are going to do around the house all the help I haven't had all week. I put a lot of pressure on him to help me. I know he needs rest but I need help too. I need to be reminded some times  that my husband isn't perfect and neither am I. 

2. For when we both feel like giving up and it things don't feel worth it anymore.

(via Google)
Trying to keep it together with our lives. Church, charity, work, police academy, the list goes on. Leaning on God allows you to not only find the strength to get the mundane done but He also challenges you to glorify him while doing it. Our good works do strengthen our marriage especially when we are apart. They not only serve as a distraction but for me it gives me a boost of confidence!!!
3. For when I miss him. 
(via Google)

God does have a plan. His plan for us is for us to be separated at the moment. It will bring on great things for our family and I just need to trust in God that no matter how much I miss my husband, I must remember there is a plan. 

I am not going to sit here and say that I read these verses study them and instantly feel better because I don't. However through out the day I  keep reminding myself God has a plan and it is for the best!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

White Sangria

So growing up my mom and my titis always made sangria, I have wonderful memories sitting in our screened in porch drinking sangria! Also when we moved to Greece, sitting in the court yard drinking sangria. So many happy memories! 

So this sangria is what I like to call this is what I had so this is what's going in:

1 bottle of white wine 
2 cans of summer shandy
1 bottle of hard cider
1/4 bottle of gin
1/8 cup cherry vodka
Assorted fruit (I used strawberries, white peaches, white grapes, apple slices, and fresh mango!!!)

Monday, May 16, 2016

Vote for Kathy!!

Recently I got to meet an amazing woman! Kathy is running for Senator here and Maryland! Local government is soooo important! We must remember that as Americans we do have the power to choose our officials, but that starts on a local level not a federal one. In April Kathy won the primary! We need more strong real woman in office and Kathy is that woman!
Check Kathy out ! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Recently, I made the choice to give my life back to Christ. I walked away from the church many years ago and wondered aimlessly. Unfortunately, even though I had my own plans, God had another. I am so grateful that God has touched my life. I started going to church again and my life has improved so much. I have been blessed in so many ways. So because I have given my life to Christ and my church, I decided to be confirmed. Confirmation (usually done in 8th grade by children who are raised in the church), is a person making the choice to be Catholic. I was confirmed in April, and when my husband gets out of Police Academy he will be baptized and eventually confirmed.
 My husband and I made the choice to give our lives back to Christ because it felt like everything was falling apart, even though everything has been going in the right direction. With my husband being gone five days out of the week, having God to lean on has been the only thing that can get us through it. I am proud today to say that I am a Christian (Catholic).

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Dandelion Water

 Dandelion Water is great for a lot of DIY home remedies. I am all  about making my own medicine! Self sufficiency is important and the more you can do for yourself the better. Dandelion is great for joint pain and sinus pressure. There are other uses, but I do not want to advertise "Facts" that may just be opinions. It is super easy to make!

 1. First go out and pick yourself some dandelions, everyone's yard pretty much has them!

2. Then put them in a pot with water. I like mine to be very strong and concentrated. So if you want it strong do not cover the dandelions with water, the more water the less potent,
3. Your water should start to look like this and stir occasionally. 
4. When you are done it should like this: 
5. Once it looks like this pour the water into a container that can stand the heat. This whole process should take approx. 20 mins (not included picking your dandelions). Once it is cooled it is ready to use. 

1. If you or some one in your household is allergic do not use in a pot you eat with. However if no one is allergic then you can use a pot you cook with. 
2. I do not personally use dandelion water in medicine that I make to be injected. I prefer to use it in medicines that are either inhaled or made into a salve. I am not saying you can't but I honestly do not know the answer so I am just gonna say don't 

Monday, April 11, 2016


Hey guys!

I am always trying to give back to our planet and my community! I feel that God has blessed us with a beautiful planet and it is our responsibility as Christians to see that our God given resources are not wasted! I think that small efforts as just as important (or more important) as the big efforts we make. I believe that if we all do small things to make change (and/or progress). We can make a difference.

A great opportunity to do small effort with a big impact is to order free seeds from . They will send you seeds and once winter decides it is actually over, you can plant them. They are wild flowers that will look great in your garden and do great things for the environment as well! So order you seeds and #feedabee!

Just by making this Facebook post I got ten people on my friends list to order seeds as well! That is 11 people making an effort to change the world. Small things do matter!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Walk MS

I feel so happy that Hubby and I we are able to participate in Walk MS 2016 Salisbury! 
Our team Kindness Matters has already raised $600!!!!! We have until June 1st to raise money and I know that we can reach our goal of $1000! 

We have already done two bake sales! 

(That's my friend Jenn!) 
Together we can and will reach our goal of a world free of MS! If you would like to find out what you can do to help click here. Also so to learn about why I walk click here.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Metabolism Booster Drink THAT DOESN'T SUCK!!

One glass a day before coffee and you will see results. Also great to drink before a work out. 

So this drink has a little bit more calories than other detox drinks but works just as well and has flavor. 

Drink Mix: 

1/4 cup grapefruit juice
1 small orange (I use halos because I like them better)
1 lemon
Fill container 2/3 of the way with water
1/3 cup of cranberry ( I used cran-pom)
Add 5 black berries 
Seriously try it for a week and you will notice a difference. 
At least once a day. You see how small that glass is! Let me know!

Ultimate DIY Anti-Aging Face Mask

Super awesome, super easy, great results and lasts for five days. You can use daily and I would recommend. 


1 whole avocado
1 egg
2 table spoons of turmeric
3 drops lavender oil
2 table spoons of honey
3 table spoons of lime juice
2 table spoons of ginger
3 table spoons of rose water

The mask is awesome makes your face super soft, I recommend using a food processor to mix the ingredients.
It looks like guacamole but don't eat it! 
Apply to your face till it looks like this and leave on for ten-fifteen mins before getting into the shower. And like I said use daily!!! 
(You do not need to cover your face in goop it does not make it more or less effective. Your face will look green though you can't tell from the pic) 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Charity Miles

Seriously guys this is more a public service announcement. Charity Miles is am amazing app that allows you to do a good thing while you do every day things!
Took my dog Harley for a walk and look at all the good we did just by remembering to turn on an app. 

The Cut The Crap Detox Bath!

So I am total advocate for preventive medicine and that is what is so fantastic about this (and all) detox baths! This particular formula is perfect for when you feel gross. Whether its because you ate at too many fast food (or other crap) too many days in a row or because you have had a migraine for a few days. It also helps boost immune system and makes your skin super soft. 


So ALL detox baths have the same base:
1/4 baking soda
1/4 Apple Cider (or white) vinegar
1/4 Epsom Salt
1/4 Hydrogen Peroxide

^^^^^^ This is the base that actually is pulling the toxins from your body. Everything else you add into the bath is for your personal health benefits. So please mix and match and send in because I would love to hear other formulas!!!

For the Cut the Crap formula:

4 tablespoons of Rose water (if you do not know how to make rose water I have the instructions here)
4 drops of Lavender oil (you can add as much or little as you like)
1/3 cup of Bee Pollen ( I got mine from a local Native American Pow Wow but there are plenty of options, you can also use honey but I don't because I am the one who will have to clean it when I get out)
1/3 cup of fresh Lavender (you can use more oil but that stuff is expensive)
4 table spoons of Cinnamon
3 table spoons of ginger (you can use fresh but remember you have to clean it)

Once you are done the bath will look like this:

When you get out it will look like this: 

Yeah its nasty but remember that nasty is what is coming off of you. I love it for migraines! I also recommend to get into the bath feet first. The bath needs to be as hot as you can stand it. Let your feet soak and get used to the heat. Then put your hands in and then lower the rest of your body. Trust me it works! 

Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Post Virus Cleaner.

 Spring cleaning has begun and like always it is much needed. This is a recipe I use to deep clean my fixtures, shower, toilet, and kitchen sink! This is a strong recipe, I would recommend wearing  gloves. It is dirt cheap and gets the job done. This is not a recipe for everyday cleaning! This is a recipe for something you should do once a month max. This is to sterilize and make sure it is clean. A great cleaning tool if a stomach virus is going around your house. The container should be used for mixing chemicals only and so should the spoon. I save all of my old jars to make these and then I can send to recycling center so it can be reused again! If you're like me and want to make your cleaning supplies full time, I would recommend going to goodwill, salvation army, and invest in a pot just to mix things.

This is being made in an old tomato sauce jar.

 1/4 cup of Bleach!

 If you are like me and buy lemon juice in a bottle (another great investment btw), two good squeezes (count two Mississippis for each one). Or approx. half a lemon.

3 Table Spoons of rubbing Alcohol. 
Then do about 2 table spoons of blue dawn. It doesn't matter technically. But I don't trust another brand. 
And in this pic you can see there is witch hazel. You can add a table spoon. It is not required I put it in because my grandma used it for everything so its habit. 

Seriously Check out all the things you can clean: 

Kitchen Sink:


 My Sink has begun to flake by the drain, this cleaner lifts that flakey stuff. If you have a sink you do not want the following to happen I would recommend not scrubbing or soaking,


Toilet: works great! Gets stains out too if you can let it soak. I have no after pic because my hubby used the bathroom while it was soaking. But you guys will see for yourselves. 

Shower fixtures:

So the dryer sheet trick really does work and I take a rag and rub cleaner on the fixtures and then I scrub with dryer sheet. 
